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  1. First, Login or register an account on ABC.
  2. Second, select the item you want to buy by clicking buy now and it will automatically enter the cart.
  3. Third, Open Cart and select checkout
  4. Fourth, enter the data needed to fulfill payment requirements such as email registered with ABC
  5. Fifth, select the payment method you want to use
  6. Sixth, wait for payment to be confirmed
  7. Seventh, successful transaction

If you want to change the type of subscription package, the answer is of course yes, and the package that was previously used will be replaced with the package that was just purchased 

For payment it is quite easy, the user only needs to visit the official ABC website which then selects either the coins or the package they want to buy, if it has been added to the basket the user can simply choose the payment method according to the user’s habits in transacting through various methods

Choose the package that suits your needs, if you need simple benefits then choose the silver plan, if you have started to need a package with various benefits then choose the gold plan, if you need maximum benefits then choose the diamond plan

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